Open Letter to President Biden

President Joe Biden

A sincere thank you for your service to America.  Since 1973, you have served for six terms as a United States Senator, the 47th Vice President of the United States and the 46th President.  Your career has been dedicated to public service and making life better for all Americans.  You are now halfway through your […] Read more »

Scott Lang raises concerns about the Democratic Party’s current nominating and debate process

Scott Lang on South Coast Matters

 SouthCoast Matters 238 from TCAM TV on Vimeo. SouthCoast Matters guest, Scott Lang, New Bedford attorney and former mayor of the city, discusses his early orientation to politics, election laws, and grassroots activism in various political campaigns. Lang also raises concerns about the Democratic Party’s current nominating and debate process which forces Presidential candidates […] Read more »


BOSTON, JUNE 21, 2019…..This past January, Scott Lang was convinced that he should run for the U.S. Senate and challenge U.S. Sen. Edward Markey. A self-described “centrist,” Lang thought Markey and the Democratic Party were veering too far to the left, pushing what he considered to be unrealistic policy prescriptions like the Green New Deal […] Read more »