Flounder findings rooted in agenda drive “science”

On June 21, a letter I drafted about the Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee’s (“TRAC”) scientific process was published in the Gloucester Times. This letter is a follow-up to the TRAC meeting held on June 23-26 and the resulting George’s Bank Yellowtail Flounder Catch Advice. The TRAC is an international agreement between the United States and […] Read more »

Feds Cannot Ignore Other Fisheries Data

On the morning of June 5th, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) hosted a Pre-TRAC meeting at the New Bedford Public Library. The TRAC is an international agreement between the United States and Canada under which yearly catch limits for George’s Bank yellowtail, cod, and haddock are determined and allocated appropriately to each Nation. Attendees […] Read more »

Fish rules trap boat owners

Massachusetts fishermen’s earnings sank by 14.2 percent in 2011 — a record drop that some blame on the first full year of new federal catch limits, the Herald has found. “They’re just killing us,” said Plymouth fisherman Jim Keding, who sold his boat and downsized into a smaller home because he couldn’t make ends meet […] Read more »