Election 2005: 10 Questions

Election 2005: 10 Questions

This article appeared in section B of the Standard Times, on Sunday, October 5, 2005
Five candidates are actively campaigning for Mayor of New Bedofrd in advance of Tuesday’s preliminary election that will narrow the feild to two for November’s runoff. In recent weeks, The Standard-Times has profiled the candidates and asked where they stand on major issues facing the city. Today, we give them 25 words or less to answer:

This article appeared on October 2, 2005 in the Standard Times

  1. What is your position on the closure of the North End and South End police substations?
  2. What is your position on needle exchange for drug addicts?
  3. What is your position on the siting of the new Keith Middle School?
  4. What is your position on the police union contract negotiations and health care costs for city employees?
  5. What do you think of the city’s tax rate, is it too high, too low, or just about right?
  6. What can the city do to address the escalating cost of housing?
  7. What is your position on the plan to build a Home Depot at Fairhaven Mills?
  8. What is your position on student drug testing?
  9. What is your position on the home rule petition seeking to make New Bedford’s firearm laws stronger than the rest of the state?
  10. What is your position on using windmills to power the city’s sewage treatment plant?

Scott W. Lang
This article appeared on October 2, 2005 in the Standard Times

  1. “The substations should never have been closed. Crime is soaring. I will reopen these substations to increase police presence and reduce response time.”
  2. “I oppose needle exchange programs. Resources should be spent on treatment programs, not programs that haven’t been proven to reduce crime or drug use.”
  3. “The siting decision was wrong. The cleanup was insufficient. We must now ensure our children’s safety before the school opens.”
  4. “Bargain in good faith with all unions. Never make the police a political issue. Give employees health insurance choices, and save the city and employees money.”
  5. “Taxes are much too high. We must acquire additional revenues through expanding the tax base and open and honest accounting, not through raising taxes.”
  6. “Good, safe neighborhoods, quality schools and new businesses will expand the tax base and create a stable local economy generating new housing.”
  7. “Wrong site for the project. I am deeply disturbed by the process the mayor used to make the choice. We must base leadership on openness, honesty, trust.”
  8. “Drugs are the enemy of our children’s future. Creative programs are crucial. The current plan raises more issues than it solves. I want drug counseling.”
  9. “I support mandatory sentences to get criminals and illegal guns off our streets to reduce rampant crime. I respect the rights of lawful gun owners.”
  10. “I am not in favor of a windmill farm off the South End. First, I will take the mayor’s gas-guzzling SUV off the road.”

Bio of Scott W. Lang
This article appeared on October 2, 2005 in the Standard Times

Age: 54

Address: 3 Stetson St.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in political science and history, Marquette University; law degree, Georgetown University

Occupation: Self-employed attorney with the firm Lang, Xifaras & Bullard

Previous political experience: None

Civic organizations: Long-term sponsor of the South End Youth Athletic Association and Greater New Bedford Pony League teams; involvement wit and sponsorship of other youth sports and academic programs, including nonprofit and charitable organizations.